The Bio for Mì
Bio.For.Mì are our plant-based alternatives. The foundation of our products consists of nuts (cashews, almonds) or legumes such as soy and chickpeas, processed in various forms through an active transformation process involving biological fermentation carried out by microorganisms from the lactic acid bacteria family.
Our Bio.For.Mì products have high vitality and are particularly beneficial for rebuilding intestinal microbiota, while providing a nutrient intake comparable to that of animal-based products.
The processing and aging techniques define three product lines: aged, raw, and fresh spreadable options, offering a wide range of flavors and organoleptic characteristics.

The Biogermogli
Biogermogli is our line of functional, Free-From, and Raw foods. We produce crackers, granola, bars, and raw almonds made from activated, pre-sprouted seeds.
Functional foods are fresh or processed products that are naturally rich in molecules with beneficial and protective properties for the body. They play an essential role in nutritional practices because, when included in a balanced diet, they have a preventive effect on health.
All our Biogermogli-based snacks are dehydrated at below 42°C to preserve their countless properties, ready to be absorbed by the body and provide energy.